Alli Balli Bee's Page

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Welcome To My Home Page

Just a site 4 ma pics of people I know and places Ive been. Probs b boring for most people.



A Hate giving shoutouts so just gee wans 2 lynne, chelle, hannah, alex, baz, coyney, neil, gary, stephen, hammy, jamie, richie, stuart, david, dino, angela, lauryn, claire, nicola, maggie, michelle n ats it :P

King Of Kings! We'll Miss Ya Henrik!!



Websites, Pics or Shoutouts!!
If you wana see your pic on ma site then e-mail me it @ If ya want a shoutout or want your website put on my links page then send me an offline message on yahoo under my allikerr2002 ID! Cheers!

Mon Da Hoops !!!! :P